MoodRx Clinical Staff - Oct 22, 2024
The college student's guide: How to cope with missing your parents

Going away to college is a rite of passage that can teach you a lot about yourself. Whether your school is an hour away from home or halfway across the country, you’ll need to become a little more independent. Staying in a new place can bring on a new level of homesickness unlike what you might have experienced if you ever went to camp or took a school trip. While your parents won’t be there every step of the way, they will always be supporting you and sending love from afar. You’ll get into a rhythm with phone calls and visits home. Your family relationships will evolve, but you’ll always have their love.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss eight strategies you can use to cope with missing your parents at college.
8 ways to cope with missing your parents at college
Your first days and weeks at school may bring up a mix of emotions. It’s OK to feel anxious, excited, lonely, overwhelmed or all of the above. The vast majority of college students feel some level of homesickness. Now is an important time to practice building supportive relationships and learn positive coping skills. The experiences you’re having will help you grow into a wiser and stronger version of yourself.
Try these coping strategies to cope with missing your parents while you’re at college:
1. Go easy on yourself — Feelings of loneliness and sadness are much harder to deal with when you try to resist them. Don’t put pressure on yourself to love campus life right away. Take some time to feel what you’re feeling and really process it. You might try journaling, going for walks or doing something creative to work through this initial adjustment.
2. Take care of yourself and create a new routine — With a bit more independence and less structure than you had in high school, it can be easy for college students to let basic things slide, like nutrition and sleep. Your physical health plays a big role in your mental health. Create some new routines that will help you feel your best.
3. Keep reminders of home with you — Keeping little reminders of home in your room or your wallet can make it feel like it’s not so far away. Next time you go home, grab some souvenirs and pictures of your family, your pets or old friends. Use them to decorate your dorm or carry them with you.
4. Call your parents — Your parents are missing you just as much as you miss them. Give them a call every now and then. They’ll be so happy to hear your voice and get updates on how college life is treating you.
5. Eat foods that remind you of home — You might have to look a bit further than your school cafeteria. Search for local restaurants that serve your favorite cuisine, or make a trip to the grocery store to see what you can cook up in your dorm. If that fails, ask your mom to send a care package with some home-cooked treats.
6. Get involved on campus — In time, you’ll find new friends and a new community at school. See if there are some campus organizations that look interesting or go to a few events. If you’re nervous, remember that other students are probably missing home and feeling just as anxious about meeting new people.
7. Go back to visit, but not every weekend — Make some trips home to spend time with your loved ones. Just don’t set the expectation that you’ll be back every weekend. Choose a few special days, such as holidays or birthdays, so you can stay connected with your family’s traditions.
8. See a therapist — You should have someone you feel safe talking to about your feelings. New friends and loved ones at home can provide different kinds of support. A therapist can be another type of confidant who helps you maintain good mental health.
Find a MoodRx therapist to help with missing your parents at college
Moving away for college is a big life transition that’s hard for many young adults. It’s understandable if it takes you some time to adjust. Being away from your family and friends for the first time can put a strain on your relationships, too. Just know that you’re not alone, and it’s OK to ask for help.
At MoodRx, we offer online therapy for everyone:
● Individuals — Start with mental health assessments to get an accurate idea of how you’re doing. Connect with a therapist who can help with your needs and your goals.
● Students — Online therapy with MoodRx is practical and affordable for students. Schedule appointments around your classes and log on from anywhere.
● Couples — Work through differences and communication challenges with your significant other. Find a couples therapist that you both like.
● Families — Family roles will change, but your relationships are forever. See a family therapist to navigate uncharted territory.
We know that finding a therapist you like can be a big hassle for new college students. We created the MoodRx Therapy Network to simplify the process. You can start using our platform today to monitor your mental health, match with the right therapist and manage your care. Create your free account to get started.
Your college experience will have its challenges. However, in just a few years, you’ll be taking your next steps and looking back on this special time with a warm and grateful heart. Take your first assessment and connect with the therapist who will help you through it.