therapist responsibilities, mental health therapist roles and responsibilities, mental health therapist responsibilities, exposure and response prevention training for therapists
MoodRx Clinical Staff - Sep 23, 2024

7 responsibilities of any mental health therapist that every client should know

therapist responsibilities, mental health therapist roles and responsibilities, mental health therapist responsibilities, exposure and response prevention training for therapists

Therapy can benefit everyone. Whether you have a mental health condition that you’re trying to manage on a day-to-day basis or you’re just having a difficult time coming to terms with a recent life change, a mental health therapist can help. If you’ve never booked an appointment with a mental health therapist before, it can be helpful to know the guidelines and expectations before your session.


A licensed therapist has a variety of responsibilities built into their role as your mental health care provider. They ensure that you get the most out of every session while keeping your safety as a priority.


Read on to learn about the varied responsibilities of a mental health therapist and the goals that they have as your provider. We’ll also discuss what you can expect as a new client with MoodRx.


7 aspects of a mental health therapist’s role that you should know as a client


A mental health therapist is a health care professional. They help you work through the challenges that are negatively impacting your mental health and learn how to manage them in the future. They are often an integral part at the beginning of a client’s mental health journey as a first step. However, therapy is built into every level of care to varying degrees.


You don’t need to have a condition diagnosis or concern to see a therapist. However, many people decide to start seeing one if they’ve recognized consistent mental health challenges that are impacting their quality of life or if they are currently experiencing difficult changes or circumstances. What role does a therapist have in that improvement? Is anything off the table? By learning about the responsibilities of a therapist, you can feel more prepared to work alongside them throughout your journey.


Here are seven responsibilities of a mental health therapist that every client should know:


  1. Carrying out diagnostic assessment — If you have emotional, cognitive and behavioral patterns that impact your quality of life, a therapist can assess your symptoms for a potential mental health condition. They will give you a psychological evaluation. It includes discussing the severity and frequency of potential symptoms that are outlined in the DSM-5-TR. For example, if you feel worried to the point where it interrupts your sleep, they can determine if you align with the criteria for generalized anxiety disorder.


  1. Establishing trust and rapport — During appointments with your mental health therapist, being comfortable enough to open up about your thoughts, feelings and challenges is essential. But that can only be accomplished if you build a connection based on trust. A mental health therapist creates a judgment-free zone for clients. Clients can discuss thoughts and feelings that they don't feel they can share with other people in their life. That trust is built by creating a rapport that encourages engagement.


  1. Maintaining confidentiality — Aspects of a client’s mental health challenges often stem from unsafe circumstances and traumatic experiences, and that information stays between client and therapist. The privacy of clients is high priority for all therapists. They are also bound by legal obligations. (Note that instances where confidentiality may need to be breached include the potential danger that a client has posed to themselves or others. Reports of child abuse or neglect must also be reported.)


  1. Setting boundaries — Along with privacy, setting boundaries is also essential at the beginning of treatment. There are certain aspects of a client-therapist relationship that must be acknowledged and respected. A common example is appropriate communication channels. Things like no contact outside of sessions or physical contact are boundaries often set by the therapist. While the client’s needs are important, a therapist also deserves to feel respected and safe during the course of treatment.


  1. Treating you with empathy — Every type of health care treatment should be focused on making you feel as heard, valued and cared for as possible. That’s why empathy is the cornerstone of all health care treatment. That includes mental health services such as psychotherapy. A mental health therapist will ensure that every session is led with compassion and understanding. They'll validate your feelings while helping you gain perspective on the challenges.


  1. Adjusting treatment as necessary — A person’s mental health journey isn’t always a direct path, and there isn’t a finish line. They could experience new challenges or worsening symptoms following significant improvements. A therapist is responsible for monitoring progress and determining when different treatment is needed. For example, if cognitive behavioral therapy isn’t showing results for a client’s post-traumatic stress disorder, the therapist may switch to exposure and response prevention.


  1. Assessing potential risks — A client may be exhibiting behavior and emotions that can put themselves or those around them in danger. This could refer to recurring angry outbursts, threats or worsening self-harm. A therapist can evaluate possible risks and refer a client to higher levels of care if necessary. For example, if a client is having worsening symptoms due to their circumstances at home, a therapist may refer them to a residential treatment center.


By keeping these responsibilities in mind, you can start your treatment without fear of the unknown and focus on the next step in your mental health journey.


Goals of a mental health therapist


Now that we’ve talked about the responsibilities of a therapist, it’s time to dive deeper into the goals that they want you to achieve. It’s easy to say that they “make you feel better." Exploring the more detailed objectives of a therapist can showcase the benefits that a client can gain while working with one.


Here are the goals of a mental health therapist:


     Determining the severity of your mental health challenges for a potential diagnosis

     Guiding you toward understanding the root cause of your mental health challenges

     Talking you through everyday challenges that interfere with your mental health

     Pinpointing triggers that can worsen your symptoms

     Helping you develop the skills needed to manage your mental health on a daily basis

     Improving your emotional, behavioral and cognitive patterns using varied therapeutic approaches


What to expect from a MoodRx therapist


The responsibilities of a mental health therapist are what makes their role in your mental health journey so effective. From emphasizing trust and privacy to determining when you need a change of treatment, they can help you every step of the way. They also encourage you to develop the tools you need to maintain a good state of mental health for years into the future.


At MoodRx, we make it easy to connect with a virtual therapist who will be upfront and honest about their role in your treatment. We make sure they can provide compassionate, effective care for every type of client via the three M’s: monitor, match and manage.


     Monitor your mental health symptoms, needs and challenges.

     Match with a virtual mental health therapist for your particular concerns based on a free consultation.

     Manage your care through collaboration with your therapist.


Our licensed therapists can help individuals, couples, families and students strive to be the best version of themselves that they can. You’ll receive a personalized treatment plan built around your needs. We strive to provide sincere care without “copy-and-paste” solutions.


When you’re ready to start seeing a virtual MoodRx therapist, contact our team for more information or to sign up for free.

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